Ok, so I am really 13 weeks today. I have lost track of time. Thats good thats means I am just a busy girl. I have been doing really well. I feel great. When I got clearance to resume activity at 5 weeks post op, I decided to really go for it, to make some changes in life. I already ate pretty well but I could do better. I also haven't really exercised much the past year. Mainly due to having surgery in Sept 2011 on my knee. I babied my knee a lot. It still hurts, the surgery helped for 6 months maybe. I realized I have to learn to exercise with a bad knee not make excuses.
I also had backpain when I did strenuos exercise, because my core was so weak I couldn't suport my back well. For me no amount of exercise fixed the muscle sepration I had in my abdominals. Having a solid core now is one the best things to come from the surgery. My back hasn't hurt since my surgery (unless you count sore muscles from working out, which I don't). I have this awesome friend who is teaching me yoga. She is my yoga Yoda. She is also teaching me more about general fitness and nutrition. Such an inspiration for me to get in shape and be healthy. So I have been doing yoga for the past 7 weeks. To say I am obsessed in putting it mildly.I think I have combed the internet for HOURS looking into yoga and fitness. The awesome part is I have noticed some changes in my body already. My upper body is stronger, I have little muscles. I am still not very flexible, AT ALL. The area I want to see improvement is my hips and thighs. This is going to take a little longer because these are my areas of swelling.
AWE the evil swell hell. My fellow tummy tuckers it call it swell hell. Its not nice. I am not going to pretend it doesn't suck because it does. It hurts, sometimes a lot. My doctor told me swelling could last 6-12 months. I really haven't found much that helps. When it hurts I massage the area. I avoid sodium as much as possible. Now that it is getting hot I am finding the humidity is making it worse. I would definitely not have this surgery during the summer. I have decided to just ignore the swelling as best as possible. Yeah it hurts, but no pain no gain.
Next, the huge scar. Honestly it doesn't bother me. Only I can see it. Its super low. Its still red, but I am very pale so it will take some time for it to lighten up. i use coconut oil and vitamin e on. I will admit I am bad about doing it religiously. I do it when I remember. I still have some areas of numbness around the scar but I barely notice.
I feel for having major surgery 3 months ago I am doing pretty awesome. I workout 5 days a week, I eat healthy (no ones perfect in that aspect). Yes I still have 10 lbs to loose but it will come. I am more focused on being healthier. Taking care of this new body, becoming stronger, more flexible and building endurance.
So 3 months later, was it worth it. You bet. I don't regret it at all. I know most people have hip and thigh liposuction when they have this done. I chose not to because of the added cost and I can really exercise those areas off. Now I wish I would have added that in. It would have helped put everything together nicely but in time I will see change in the areas I want. I have to be patient for the swelling to go away.
As most know I am an open book. I don't keep much to myself (this is considered a good and bad quality). If you have any questions shoot me a message. If your still in the weight loss faze before you can gave the surgery I can help with that too.
Here are a few pics.