Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My story

So I have been researching tummy tucks for about 6 months. I have come across a few blogs that were really helpful so I decided to document my journey, the good the bad the ugly.
I know a few people will question my reasons for doing this. I am doing it for me not for anyone else. My husband doesn't mind my body they way it is but I do. I want my outside to match my inside. I was always a thin person. I never worried about weight much til I had children. My first pregnancy was your average pregnancy and I bounced back pretty well. My second pregnancy was different. I got HUGE. My daughter was almost 10 lbs and I had to have a c-section. A little over a year after I had her I decided to lose the weight I had gained before I got far I found myself pregnant again. This pregnancy was a disaster. I had major high risk complications. I spent the 6 weeks before me deliver on hospital bed-rest. I remember they weighed me a few days before delivery and I was 215 lbs. WOW. When I had my youngest I had to have an emergency c-section along with an emergency hysterectomy. Now I find myself with a preemie, a 2 year old and a 4 year old. Life goes on and one day I wake up and it hits me I weight 204 lbs. Through a friend a tried a weight loss supplement called ACE. Over the next year I loose 47 lbs. I by no means am skinny. I am sitting at 157/ But I am comfortable at this weight. The one thing that I cant stand is my abdomen. i have stretch marks like you wouldn't believe, a funky belly button and 2 lumpy bumpy belly bumps. Gross right. I just look in the mirror and think you are 31 years old you and you shouldn't look like this. I made the decision that when my tax money came in 2013 I would use for a tummy tuck. i have wanted one for awhile. I just didn't want to be selfish and heaven forbid do something for myself. Most mothers can relate to this feeling. My husband completely supported my decision. He told me he wants me to feel good about myself. I want to be comfortable in my skin. Do I think I will come out with a 6 pack, no I am realistic. I will never again be 120 lbs but I can feel comfortable in my own skin.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what your saying. I also have three children and the last two were by c-section. I carried all my kids straight out and I have loose skin and stretch marks. I have lost 56lbs so far with a goal of another 18. So Im looking to get a tummy tuck and breast lift/ implants. Best of luck in your healing!

    Traci Robson


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